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A simple girl, somewhere in a simple place with lots of dreams to persue...

Saturday, October 13, 2012

My Opinions on Dating, and BF/GF

Hello, It's been a while isn't it?
I'm a 9th grader now, and in Indonesia, as a ninth grader, I have to face the National Exams that will be held at the end of the school year. I'm going to be so busy this year... Additional lessons for exams, tryouts of national exams, and I've taken some additional lessons like Arabic language, Tahsin, etc. because next year, I'll be going to a boarding school.
I am excited about going to boarding school but I know I'm going to miss home. But going to boarding is something I've wanted since I was nine years old.
Now that I'm a ninth grader, I know the struggles and challenges my seniors has to face. And I respect them for being able to go through it all... They do deserve to be successful, and I hope they will be.
In our school, at the beginning of the semester you already have to face some additional lessons twice a week. It's so tiring because we spend about 10 hours at school everyday without additional lessons. But the result of our hard work is really satisfying you know. Because if we get high scores, we know it's the result of our hard work and our prayers. It would be a pure result. The result of our hard work and not cheating.
Speaking of pure and cheating, it reminds of dating. Nowadays, dating and having a boyfriend/girlfriend is a normal thing. You can hardly find a person who haven't dated and is now happily married. Forget about those who have married, I mean, even 6th graders or a 12 year-old have a BF/GF... It's such a common thing...

But I really don't get it... Why do people date? What is their reason anyway? If they love each other, then they should get married. But I bet they will say that "we live in modern world, and not in the ancient times, bla...bla...bla...". Why don't they just admit that marriage is a big commitment, and a big responsibility, so they're not ready for it? That they don't love them each other enough to make a huge step???
Especially for people under 17. What do they know about love anyway? How long have they lived in this world so they know which person is right for them? My personal opinion is, people under 17 who date and have GF/BF are people who doesn't really have a plan for the future. Stupid people who don't know how to use their time. They probably just wanted to be considered cool, attractive, popular, trendy and such.
I think they don't have any ambition, or any purpose of life. If they do have a purpose in life, they don't think about silly things such as those. In such a young age too.
I have a friend who goes to a tutoring institution called NF. And when she was studying Guidance and consoling, the teacher asked to people who have dated or have GF/BF to raise their hands, everyone raised their hands except my friend. And there are about 30 people in the room.
Seriously, out of 30 people, there's only one person who's still pure??? Only 1 person who has a dignity??? Only 1 smart person in the whole class???
Why are they even proud? They may think that having BF/GF means they are beautiful and someone adores them... Well I think that those kind of people are cheap and stupid. They don't have any dignity because they give themselves to other people easily. I don't want to be like that. I want to stay pure. I don't want other people to think that I'm a cheap person and easy to get. They have to respect me and they have to be someone special. I don't want to be a person who is easy to get and easy to throw away... I don't care if people think that I'm not cool, and act like people who lived in 18th century. I may act like old people, but purity, and dignity is something I won't trade. Not for anything. Not even for the sake of being called cool.
I have a purpose in life. I don't want to waste my short time in this world for something as lame as that. I want to be someone who can help people, and be someone useful.
If people think that they should live while we're young, I want to work hard while I'm young. What does 60 or 70 years of life in this world full of problems mean if I can live in heaven forever??? What is the meaning of short enjoyment in this world if I'll end up in hell forever??? And forever is a long time... We may not understand it now because there's no such thing as forever in this world, but in Islam, there's a world after this world. A world where The Almighty Allah rewards our good deeds and punish us for our bad deeds... And my purpose in this life is to do good deeds as many as I can. As a supply for me in the day of hereafter so I can gather in heaven with my family...
Sorry if the title doesn't fit with the contents. I have a lot in my mind that I want to write but I'm not sure if that's possible as it's really late right now. And I know there are many mistakes but I'm just too tired to fix it now so I hope you can forgive me... Au revoir :)

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